The Pellucid Glass
Again, the rain’s stopped at this second. When I looked at the sky from my condenses window, I can hear no more fallen patters. May have subsided, but wait a minute. If the birds start chirping and the leaves sway, it means rain is gone. “And I should go out tonight...” I flipped an overlay curtains in my window, looking out the window then some past rain patters down on my head.
Jean Mr.Caft must make time for me, surely. I also cannot wait to see what he got today. Even if I forced my self to not go out, my feet would drag me out. He has such a magnet that I have no idea at which part is embedded in me. But every story from him does interest me, then why do I protest on feet?
Red or blue? Mr.Caft , so I call him - I do not know, I do not know what that means - a dozen times already appealed me to the margarita. What delish you in a glass of margarita, so he asked me the first time on the porch of a glass shop. I answered it, the glass. Because that time my eyes fell on a row of pellucid glass. Grins I diverted my eyes, he frowned. "Why do not you just buy it and observe at the glass all night to get bored in your room, definitely abandoned the next day and arrived at my hand."
Today I wear a red scarf; of course, it is a bit nationalist because I was wearing a white shirt. Maybe that’s what he would think after seeing me. But I'm bored with the margarita, I’ve memorized thereof include tequila, cointreau, and lime juice; inserted into a cocktail glass with salt surrounds the rim, as well as a lemon wedge garnish. Garnish, it’s called. In order to reduce wrinkled lips after drinking a margarita. Then black label, tia maria, bacardi, dry gin, and many more, I do not remember them.
Today I will have him tell me about lemon juice, maybe he needs to refresh his mind. He should also understand how to make lemon juice that seduces my eyes. No longer with baileys, I'm also getting bored though he said it was a little sweet. "Why do you want me call you by Mr.Caft, Jean?” I do not know exactly what that word means, whether it is the initials of the person or many people, whether it's the name of a memorable place for you, whether it's the area you wanted to go, I do not know. “He did not explained me very well, except a variety of cocktail and mocktail he favorites”.
The glass shop is closed until next week from tonight, I found a piece of the announcement where I have always looked at the pellucid glasses. Jean begins visible from a distance. Smiling, he approached me, the smile is annoying: I thought. Why does he wear a white shirt? "We do not agree before, right?" With just a smile he hands me a glass of hot tea. Well, it's enough to woo me tonight. The air is so cold; if you take the margarita again for sure I will come home.
No. This time he does not bring a margarita and friends. But he takes me where wines from various brands lined up neatly. In each box is visible from where they were obtained. I thought, if one box can take me go vacation to Bali then where I've been by dozens of these boxes? Jean certainly does not intend to buy the shop, I fantasized for a moment.
Jean, who had been stranded in the wild night, of course he familiars with these brands. But I? I do not recognize a single one. He surely will start the story of the Red Wine bottle in front of him. His eyes had dragged my feet to close soon. “Can this make me far from drowsiness?”
I'm more interested in the shape of wine glass rather than the content itself. The aroma is sweet; I can imagine the scent sliding in my throat. But Jean is more tempted by the color, so clear but when put backlit purple will look very young. My guess rights once, his eyes - shining like no other objects of interest. “Jean....” I told him why do not you just buy a bottle of wine and pour it into a glass and then seeing in it overnight in your room until the next day surely bored and neglected.
Due to torrential rain again, we sit at the outside of wine shop earlier. May be thousands of people have sitting in chairs that deliberately prepared by shopkeepers. He begins to talk about his introduction to drinks, or just to be more interesting must called ‘wine’. So much good in the night world, Jean said. Of course he is familiar with them, Red wine, White wine, Rose wine and fortified wine to many other designations. "Tell me about sweet wines, Jean...” I begged. Sweet Wine is a wine that is still a lot of residual sugar fermentation (residual sugar) so it makes a sweet taste. He really knows that I was interested in the word sweet that means sweet taste, not on his wine.
Then? Mr.Caft, he finally tells, it was a call from a guest who is familiar with him. Indeed, every person must have a fun chatting friend, that’s how. The man always come and order the lemon juice, he did not like cocktail. So, we prefer observed people fighting with his consciousness before finally falling off and dumped somewhere, what I cared with them. That falling objects must be replaced with another object, such as the stress man that would be stunned if it was offered to a drink, and we would laugh to guess the contents of his mind.
You may occasionally need to be brought there, but do not ever order a cocktail, you just enough lemon juice. Yes, I replied. But before you take me there, you have to fix your lungs, I'm sad to hear your cough is getting severe. Definitely a great pain. I wonder how people can put up with cigarette smoke, loud music for hours, and it is every night.
Tell me about lemon juice, I was asking him when I saw him at the hospital. Once you're out, look at the nuns’ flirty waiting for you, you owe me about the story of lemon juice. Because Jean who yesterday promised to forget the wine and cocktail should start to get acquainted with orange juice, of course not with salt around the edge of the glass because it is a sweet juice, salt it will damage it.
I decided out to clear my thought rather than waiting for Jean there. Maybe I need to find him a new glass that does not suitable be filled by margarita or wine. As usual, the most interesting to me only glass shop at the end of this road. There is something new in the store, after a week of closed yesterday. "What is this?" This is beautiful, I thought. The shop owner so quickly captures my feeling. He comes up to me and begins telling me about the glass. "Alone?" Ah yes, Jean is undergoing his lung surgery. He should recover to enjoy a drink with this cup. The shop owner smiled at me. "It would be nice to see you guys fight over a series of glass as usual. Hopefully he is fine." Yes, thank you.
"How can a nurse like you leaving her patients!!!" Jean flares me up. He is threatened to go home now. Yes, go home and do not come back here again.
Here, a glass I got just now. So clear, once I think, you can pour a margarita or wine and certainly looks shiny. But this glass should only be filled with lemon juice because you owe me a story about lemon juice. I do not want to hear any other reasons.
Jean starts rolling the edge of glass. There is no glass that cannot be crashed. He smiled and then looked at me. "What if I told you just apple juice?" Not bad, I said. Whatever is better for you than alcohol. He smiles again. "But not here. I do not like you hear my story and sit just like that. And uniform, I much prefer your red scarf. Next time I'll buy purple scarf like the wine color yesterday."
Woo, I think. Well, the owner of the glass shop would have been very happy to see you tomorrow. So hurry going home. Yes, and I'm impatient with the purple scarf. And what about the wine shop next door, still interested? "Yes. Just a glass should not it?" Well, but do not come back here again.
Jean, the rain beyond had stopped. What is it like to walk in the rain without an umbrella and get a soaking wet? Sure, it must be very cool.....
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