» » Kisah cinta Ratu Pantai Selatan Jawa

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Hampir Semua orang Indonesia tentu pernah mendengar cerita lama tentang kehidupan Nyai Roro Kidul atau Ratu Pantai Selatan pulau Jawa. Tapi, pernah berfikirkah Oyiners bahwa cerita ini juga di gemari oleh masayarakat di luar sana ? seperti masyarakat Jepang pun ternyata menyukainya,

Ketika Oyin jalan-jalan menyusuri lorong maya yang hening dan sepi menemukan blog yang membahas cerita tentang kehidupan Nyai Roro Kidul atau Ratu Pantai Laut Selatan (Samudra Hindia) yang tak kalah menarik jalan cerita yang di tulis oleh admin blog tadi, sangat detil epiknya.

Namun sayangnya dia menggunakan bahasa Inggris, agar tak terjadi misunderstanding dalam translasi, bagi anda yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa ingris diatas rata-rata silahkan terjemahkan. Oyin hanya sedikit memberikan sinopsisnya saja.

Sebagai catatan, sang penulis cerita  Fumiko Ayumi  tidak asal menulis, dia mendatangi tempat-tempat yang dianggap memiliki kaitan dengan kisah Nyai Roro Kidul seperti Kraton Yogya, dan Samudra Beach Hotel di Pelabuhan Ratu Sukabumi.

Samudra Beach Hotel menyediakan kamar khusus bagi Nyai Roro Kidul (kamar 308) jika hendak istirahat saat berada di darat.

Kata hikayat, berasal dari India dan Arab, berisikan cerita kehidupan para dewi, peri, pangeran, putri kerajaan, serta raja-raja yang memiliki kekuatan gaib. Kesaktian dan kekuatan luar biasa yang dimiliki seseorang, yang diceritakan dalam hikayat kadang tidak masuk akal.
Mite (mitos), adalah cerita-cerita yang berhubungan dengan kepercayaan terhadap sesuatu benda atau hal yang dipercayai mempunyai kekuatan gaib. Contoh: Nyai Roro Kidul, Ki Ageng Selo, Dongeng tentang Gerhana, Dongeng tentang Terjadinya Padi, Harimau Jadi-Jadian, Kuntilanak, dan lain-lain.
Suatu ketika Sutawijaya yang waktu itu tengah menyiapkan diri untuk mendirikan kerajaan bertapa di tepi Laut Selatan. Ternyata, semadi yang dilakukan Danang Sutawijaya ini mengakibatkan seluruh penghuni laut berhamburan dan bergeleparan di pantai akibat panas yang ditimbulkan.

Ratu Kidul yang menguasai dunia gaib Laut Selatan pun keluar dan mencari penyebab pergolakan atau hawa panas itu. Di tepi pantai Ratu Kidul melihat seorang laki-laki gagah tengah bersemadi.

Ratu Kidul pun segera tahu bahwa penyebab hawa panas ternyta adalah karena semadi yang dilakukan oleh Danang Sutawijaya, atau Panembahan Senopati.

Kumudian, Ratu Kidul menanyakan apa yang dikehendaki Senopati dengan bersemadi disini ?. Senopati menjawab bahwa ia menginginkan agar Ratu Kidul membantunya dalam mendirikan dan membesarkan Kerajaan Mataram yang sedang dirintisnya.

Ratu Kidul menyetujui permintaan Senopati dengan syarat Senopati dan keturunannya yang kelak menjadi raja Mataram harus bersedia menjadi suami Ratu Kidul.


The high cliffs of Jawa's southern coast go straight into the Indian Ocean.  This is the domain of Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, the mighty Queen of the South Sea, which is th wife as well as the protectional spirit of the rulers of the Jawanese kingom of Mataram.

Following the 19th century chronicle Babad Tanah Jawi, the prince of Pajajaran, Raden Joko Suruh, met a hermit which ordered him to found the kingdom of Majapahit in East Jawa. Joko Suruh discovered that the hermit in fact was a beautiful Lady, and fell in love with her.

She rejected him, because she really was his aunt Ratna Suwida, who had lived in the mountains to meditate ever since she was a young girl. She told the prince she would soon leave to the southern coast of Jawa, to be the ruler over the spirit-world. When the descendants near the Gunung Merapi, not far from the southern coast,  founded a principalty, she would marry the successive rulers.

Generations later, Panembahan Senopati, founder of the second Mataram principalty, went back to the southern coast to prepare an attack on the principalties at the northern coast.

Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, who listened to his meditation, promised to help him. During three days and nights he worked on the secrets of army and rule, and the difficult game of love, in the undersea palace of Ratu Kidul.

At Parangkusomo, south of Yogya, he came to the surface again. The story goes that Ratu Kidul had communion with all successors of Senopati. Every year representatives of the palaces in Solo and Yogya honour her at this spot.

Senopati, founder of Java's Mataram dynasty, accompanies Ratu Kidul to her underwater palace.

The first sultan of Yogya, Hamengku Buwono I, ordered the construction of the difficult fortress and royal court, Taman Sari, with low ponds, and tunnels, surrounded with an artificial lake. It can be said that this is a replica of the undersea principalty of Ratu Kidul.

In the space below the surface, known as sumur gumuling, the sultan is believed to have contact with the goddess every year.

This version account how Ratu Kidul becomes a spirit queen:

The following story is about Nyai Loro kidul or “Ratu kidul” (Queen Kidul) as she is also known, the most beautiful and powerful goddess of Indonesia’s southern seas.

According to the legend, Nyai Loro Kidul was the mortal daughter of a powerful ruler-king of west Java. This king’s concubines jealous of her beauty would have used black magic to turn her into an ugly and old witch. (Other stories say it was a bad stepmother who cast a spell to give her leprosy) In anyways, because of her ugliness, she was forced to leave the palace when she started to wonder through the forest without direction.

Following the tradition, her favorite color is green and she is attracted to those who wear this color inside her marine kingdom. Besides that, this beautiful but sometimes evil goddess has a particular interest in surfers, not only because she has got absolute power and control over the waves of Indonesia’s southern seas but also for been known to take young men and turn them into her slaves or lovers.

Both Javanese and Sundanese people avoid wearing green when they go to her beaches and very often mothers lock their sons at home in nights when a sacred dance in homage to Nyai Loro Kidul is performed.

Even for those who are not superstitious, it is always good to be careful. There are recorded stories about surfers and other people who ventured in her waters wearing green and afterwards were troubled by some disgrace.

Orang diluar sana sungguh perhatian dengan cerita dan kebudayaan kita, tetapi justru kita sebagai pemilik kebudayaan, banyak yang tidak mengindahkan, mungkin jika membicarakan hal tersebut akan dianggap orang jadul tidak modern dan sejenisnya, entahlah..

Oyin Ayashi admits that though we try to describe accurately, we cannot verify the exact facts of everything posted. Postings may contain Information, speculation or rumor. We find images from the Web that are believed to belong in the public domain. If any stories or photos that appear on the site are in violation of copyright law, please write in comment box and we will remove the offending section as soon as possible. (Oyiners = Blog reader)

Above article written by dhea

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