Foto Siklus Dunia
December 17, 2011. Egyptian army soldiers arrest a female protester during clashes at Tahrir Square in Cairo. Soldiers beat demonstrators with batons in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Saturday in a second day of clashes that have killed nine people and wounded more than 300, marring the first free election most Egyptians can remember.
Pada hari Sabtu di hari kedua demonstrasi tepatnya tanggal 17 Desember 2011, tentara Mesir menangkap salah satu demonstran perempuan, Tentara memukuli demonstran dengan tongkat. Demostrasi ini telah menewaskan sembilan orang dan melukai lebih dari 300. Kejadiannya di Tahrir Square Kairo. Insiden pemukulan ini terjadi saat pemilihan umum pertama yang diadakan di Mesir.
December 20, 2011. The body of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il lies in state at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang. North Korea was in seclusion a day after it announced the death of its leader Kim Jong-il, as concern mounted over what would happen next in the deeply secretive nation that is trying to build a nuclear arsenal.
20 Desember 2011. Tubuh pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong-il disemayamkan di Istana Kumsusan Pyongyang Korea Utara. Korea utara menutup diri sehari setela mengumumkan kematian pemimpinnya Kim Jong-il . Korea utara mencoba untuk merahasiakan pembangunan senjata nuklir.
December 20, 2011. Indian men bathe on a water pipe above a sewage drain on a cold and foggy morning in New Delhi, India. Though India is famous for its brutally hot summers, temperatures fall sharply for a few weeks in December and January. Poor people, particularly those living on the streets, are the worst hit
Pria India sedang mandi diatas pipa air yang melewati tumpukan sampah di pagi hari yang dingin dan berkabut di New Delhi, India. Meskipun India terkenal dengan musim panas yang garang, namun suhu turun tajam selama beberapa minggu pada bulan Desember dan Januari. Kaum gelandangan, terutama yang hidup di jalanan, yang paling menderita.
December 20, 2011. Israeli troops escort one of the two young Palestinians arrested at the Howara checkpoint near the West Bank city of Nablus. Israeli sources said the two were caught allegedly carrying explosive devices.
Tentara Israel menangkap pemuda Palestina di pos pemeriksaan tepi barat Howara dekat kota Nablus. . Pemuda ini ditangkap karena diduga membawa bahan peledak.
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